Reports until 11:24, Sunday 01 July 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:24, Sunday 01 July 2012 (3321)
Summary of Michael Thomas and Abe Singer's visit to LHO last week

Michael Thomas (LLO CDS sysadmin) visited last week (June 25-29). Abe Singer (LIGO cybersecurity) also visited (June 26-28).

With Abe we (Michael, Dave, Jim) discussed the current status of the CDS security system, and we held an OCSC meeting.

With Michael we discussed the current differences between the LHO and LLO sysadmin systems, with the aim of documenting the differences (and perhaps removing them).

We constructed a network management system at LHO (using Nagios) to be identical to the one Michael installed at LLO. We (Dave and Jim) will work on ensuring in all our networked systems are monitored by Nagios.