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Reports until 14:53, Tuesday 03 July 2012
joseph.betzwieser@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Tuesday 03 July 2012 - last comment - 09:26, Wednesday 04 July 2012(3335)
How to do a fresh install of an HSTS on H1
[Joe B, Matt H]

1) Make sure you have the matlab simulink .mdl model ready in userapps.
2) ssh into the build machine "ssh controls@h1build"
3) cd /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/rtbuild-2.5/
4) make model name (i.e. make l1susmc2)
5) make install-model (i.e. make install-l1susmc2)
6) If possible, create a safe.snap file before hand in /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/MODELNAME/MODELNAMEepics/burt/
6a)Copy a safe.snap from LLO (say l1susmc2_safe.snap, renamed properly) and run 
    sed -i 's/L1:/H1:/g' safe.snap
6b)Otherwise use the burtgooey command to make a backup *after* the model is running, using the autoBurt.req file in /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/MODELNAME/MODELNAMEepics/ directory, create a safe.snap.
6c)Another way is to use makeSafeBackup script in /opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/cds/common/scripts/ and hand it susbsystem (i.e. sus) and model name (i.e. h2susmc2)
    ./makeSafeBackup sus l1susmc2
   Only works as controls, so be logged into h1build or a front end, and only after the model is up and running, and set to the right values.
7) ssh into the front end the code will be running on (h1sush34)
8) lsmod (tells you whats currently running)
9) If you need to load a new IOP model, kill any currently running models
10)Run the "startMODELNAME" script (i.e. starth1iopsush34 or starth1susmc2).  IOPs always need to be running before user models.
11) Quick filter loading has two options:

11a) Open your empty foton filter file in foton, and uncheck Read Only (under the file menu), and hit save.  This preps the file to receive filters.
Then run the prepare.m script from /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/ in matlab.

11b) Copy the foton filter file from LLO and rename it to H1.  I.e. copy L1SUSMC2.txt from LLO and rename it H1SUSMC2.txt and put it in /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/chans/

12) Hit the "Coeff Load" button on the GDS_TP screen associated with your model.
Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 09:26, Wednesday 04 July 2012 (3339)

in steps 4,5; of course the l1 should be replaced with h1



4) make model name (i.e. make h1susmc2)
5) make install-model (i.e. make install-h1susmc2)
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