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Reports until 16:09, Thursday 05 July 2012
LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Thursday 05 July 2012 (3340)
Ops Summary:
Activities: July 5, 2012

- Dave B. 
	- restarted models:
	"I have just restarted the H1 SUS models for PR2 and SR2 on h1sush34 to
	complete this system. I pressed the DIAG RESET button to clear the latched
	IPC error, so everything should be green on the medm screens."

	- later, a frame builder restart on H1 

- Dust monitors went invalid, Patrick restarted, alarm handler did not update, I had to reopen the alarm handler and truly false alarm states cleared, however a couple false false alarms remained (see note below)

- Matt H. in LVEA working on triple and in CR working on making transfer functions, but instead uncovering issues with files and channels for H1.  Dave B. is looking into it.

- EY visited by numerous people: Keita, Alberto, Mike L. - OAT related

- EX visited by numerous people:
	- Terry S., Terisha,  others(?), for cleaning
	- Apollo for building a clean room

- Kyle, changed out some GN2 pressure gauges

Alarms that really aren't….
- LVEA dust monitors DST7 and DST12 - false alarm when invalid
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.