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Reports until 19:09, Thursday 05 July 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Thursday 05 July 2012 - last comment - 13:31, Friday 06 July 2012(3342)
Legacy WFS interface board malfunctioning (Jax, Alberto, Dick, Keita)

Turns out that segment 1 and 2 of the legacy WFS DC interface for WFS1 are not working. When we injected some offset using a break out board, these segments didn't show anything in the output. It's not the WFS head, it's the interface.

Pulled the board to investigate in the lab.

Comments related to this report
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 13:31, Friday 06 July 2012 (3347)
Two op-amps in the interface board were broken. WFS1-Anode 1-U2 (OP27) and WFS1-Anode 2-U3 (AD8672) were removed and replaced, resolving the issues observed yesterday. The board is now functional and can be returned to the end station. According to Richard McCarthy, the board should be replaced after we're done with the one-arm test.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.