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Reports until 12:28, Friday 06 July 2012
matthew.heintze@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:28, Friday 06 July 2012 (3346)
Getting triples chamberisde activities up and going.

So the week has been spent trying to get the chamberside testing area up and running. Satellite amplifiers were put in place, field cables run and the MC2 suspension (which currently sits on the table in the testing area) was all connected up. The models/medm screens (which were ported over from LLO I believe) for the MC2 suspension has all the matrices, filters, etc filled in as well as I have used the values from log entry 3125, to put in the correct offset and gains. I made a burtbackup using Joe B's, makeSafeBackup script and this has been put into the SVN

The BOSEMs were centered (in and out around the magnet, not up and down and side to side, this can be done after the optic is in) so that the speedo indicators now all stand straight up at a half open light count value. The aOSEMs are still pulled back, and can probably do so until after the optic has been put in

I did however notice that the open light readings of the MC3-LR aOSEM (S/N 188) was quite different to log report 3125. After first checking that this S/N OSEM was indeed in this location I remeasured the open light voltage of this particular OSEM using tdsavg 10 H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_LR_IN1. This gave an open light value of 19455.2 counts. I modified the offset and gain in the medm screen appropriately (I can't remember if I made a new burt backup of this or not. I am pretty sure I did, but cant be certain. Be aware of this if you need to Burt restore this model).

A dtt template of the channels used for a pitch TF measurement was brought over from LLO, and the channel names renamed appropriately. However when a TF was attempted to run the error message came back "Unable to select test points".  A long period of time has been spent on the phone Tuesday and Thursday with Joe B at LLO and Dave Barker here at LHO trying to resolve this (and other software problems have run into especially in terms of permissions.........thanks very much to the two of them for their patience) and the usual suspects of looking that  had correct ADC channels connected , INI files were as they should be, etc and various other things tried (including a DAQ restart) we were unable to fix the problem.I have copied and pasted below a couple of extracts of emails sent between the three of us giving what I believe is the latest on the unable to select test points problem:

The "Unable to select test points" message seems to be related to the excitation channel.  Providing no excitation channels allows data to be taken with diaggui.  Similarly opening up awggui and trying to even select the H1:SUS-MC2_M1_TEST_P_EXC channel brings up an error message "Cannot connect to channel".

and then the latest from David Barker

Looking at the network switch configuration (which does the UDP broadcast forwarding to the front ends), the environment variables and the GDS parameter files; all look correct for an H1 system. But when I run diag it always finds the H2 awgtpman systems and not H1 so I'm wondering if it is hard coded somewhere.

So the problem still exists but is being looked into. I believe (but dont hold me to this), that once this problem is fixed I should be good to go to start taking TF's on the suspensions chamberside

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