Reports until 16:55, Tuesday 10 July 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3395)
H1 HAM3 ISI Table positioned with HEPI
Jim Jason & Hugh
The Initial Alignment Subsystem(IAS) crew gave us the bad news late morning and we translated East 5mm shortly after lunch.  Given all the initial movement we saw on the Dial Indicators when we first floated & further when we tweaked the level yesterday, I'm not surprised by this shift requirement.  And you all have heard my spiel about from where our initial position originated.  Anyway, after the East shift we were almost bang on N-S & rotationally with ~.5mm & 300urad to correct.  That done, East-West checked again and still good.
Now back to level and elevation: our runout on the table level is 0.3mm and we are ~0.4mm low in elevation.  Tomorrow we will bring this back in and attempt to equalize the load cell readings while we are at that and finally followed by a revisit of the table position by IAS.