Reports until 13:52, Thursday 12 July 2012
eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:52, Thursday 12 July 2012 (3404)
Hartmann sensor imaging of the ETM

I've aligned the Hartmann plate onto the conjugate image plane of the ETM.  This was done by yawing the ETM periodically (excitation of H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_TEST_Y_EXC at 0.25Hz and 200 counts) and measuring the amount of motion of the beam spot on the CCD with the Hartmann plate removed.  Using DTT I obtained a transfer function of spot movement on the CCD over the yaw in the ETM (H2:TCS-HWS_ETMY_ITMM_CENTER_X/H2:SUS-ETMY_L1_WIT_YMON).    I moved the lens F1 along the beam path to find the position where the transfer function was zero, at which point the HWS CCD is at the image plane of the ETM.  Attached is a graph of the transfer function versus the position of F1.

The HWS was then moved back 11mm (see second attachment) so that the Hartmann plate rather than the CCD is located at the ETM image plane.  The Hartmann plate has been reattached.  The next step is to look at the quiescent prism and defocus of the beam on the HWS.  

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