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Reports until 17:56, Wednesday 11 July 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Wednesday 11 July 2012 (3410)
H1 Controls Account on H1 Workstations in Control Room
The H1 workstations in the control room now have a controls account.  Use caution, the controls account is the same home directory for H1 and H2, but the environment will be set up for H1 on the H1 workstations and H2 for the H2 workstations.  So, even though the controls account looks the same on H2 and H1 workstations, you cannot do H2 work on an H1 workstation, or H1 work on an H2 workstation.  Confused?  The H1 workstations are labeled as such with a tag on the upper left corner of the display.

The background of the controls account screen will no longer indicate it is "H2".
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