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Reports until 09:13, Thursday 12 July 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:13, Thursday 12 July 2012 (3416)
backups of h2boot causing EPICS slowdowns on all H2 front ends

Starting last thursday, 5th July, the backups of h2boot by the disk-to-disk backup server cdsfs1 causes a significant slowdown of all H2 front end EPICS systems. It is most noticable on MEDM screens, where the refresh rate drops to several seconds. Once the backup is completed (after about 15 minutes) the systems immediately recover. I am unable to reproduce the error on H1 or on the DTS test stand. I'll reboot h2boot at the next opportunity as part of the investigation. No significant change to the h2boot file system occured late last week (most of us were on vacation).

For now the backup of h2boot's perioicity has been reduced from every 4 hours to daily at 05:41 until the problem can be resolved.

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