Reports until 21:05, Thursday 12 July 2012
X1 SEI - posted 21:05, Thursday 12 July 2012 (3431)
Monitoring Temperature in Staging Building

In order to assess the effect of recent temperature changes on our testing, I installed 2 Lascar Temperature/Humidity data-loggers in the staging building:

#1 Is inside a cleanroom. I set it on the West SEI test stand (currently used for the testing of HAM-ISI Unit #6). Pic.1
#2 Is outside the cleanrooms, against the south wall, behind the East SEI test stand (currently used for the assebly of HAM-ISI Unit #7). Pic.2,3


Setup for the Data-Loggers:

Note: Loggers' data is collected with a Windows-only software. This software is available on the solidworks station.



Thanks to SUS for letting us borrow the loggers from them.

Images attached to this report