Reports until 09:52, Friday 13 July 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:52, Friday 13 July 2012 (3434)
HAM2 Cabling

(corey, mitch)  [this work was for Thursday 7/12]

While there was a lot of HEPI hustle and bustle at HAM3, Mitch and I took the opportunity to do cabling work on HAM2.  For SEI, most of the cabling has been run, but I cleaned it up a little bit (especially the insanely inaccessible Corner3 path).  I also installed our grounding/mounting brackets for our GS13s.  For Corner3 work, I actually went in-chamber, climbed on table and hung out in the beam tube for this work---it wasn't that bad as far as access.

Mitch had cabling for SUS & ISC, so we went ahead and started running these cables (per a drawing which escapes me).  We started on the west side, and I did a couple of cables on the north side, while I was in the chamber.  We finished off getting ready to do the east side, but ran out of time.  I'd say we completed about 75% of the SUS/ISC cabling.

Now while handling some of these cables, I noticed that one of the (4) screws on the face of the connector fell out.  I checked the other screws and they were all a bit loose (a half/full turn), so I went ahead and tightened all of them.

Cleanliness note:  Will these chambers get vacuumed again?  While in chamber I noticed particles in the bellows (a piece of glove, and a fairly big (1-2mm) plastic piece).

Images attached to this report