Reports until 15:37, Tuesday 17 July 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:37, Tuesday 17 July 2012 - last comment - 17:46, Tuesday 17 July 2012(3467)
MC2 glass suspension alignment

Today, the guys finished fully suspending the glass MC2 and took a preliminary look at it's height and pitch alignment.  With the optical autolevel and a height guage (standard HXTS alignment procedure), the height measured to be at nominal (214mm to better than +/- 1mm). 

The roll of the optic is out by 0.8mm over the distance from the left prism to the right. 

The pitch was measured via looking at the pitch of the side scribe line on the optic (which is known to be crooked by ~0.1mm over it's length) so is estimated at ~4.5mRad.  Independently, an optical lever was set up near the top edge of the optic (above the FC, so yes, high on the 27m ROC surface) and the pitch again measured to be 4.5mRad +/- 1mRad.

We're not sure what the IAS requirements are, so we'll need to find those before determining what errors to improve.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - 17:46, Tuesday 17 July 2012 (3475)
 The actual measured height of the top of the Bottom Mass is 215mm from the tabletop. The target height is 215mm +/- 1mm. I sent Betsy the incorrect height.