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Reports until 15:12, Thursday 18 November 2010
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:12, Thursday 18 November 2010 (347)
Second quad test stand filter update
I updated the filter bank on the quad test stand again to capture a few corrections that had been made to LLO's /opt/rtcds/tst/x2/chans/X2SUSQTS.txt since it was generated from LLO's /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt in the recent upgrade. (A few filters had names that did not match their functions.) I took the LLO X2SUSQTS.txt file, changed all the instances of QTS_ back to Q1_ and installed it at LHO /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt. The L1QTS.txt file that was in place for a day is at LHO /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS_LLO_20101117.txt. I also went through the MEDM screens and made sure that the correct filters were enabled (some filters are in different positions relative to the old LASTI set).
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.