Reports until 18:07, Thursday 19 July 2012
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3499)
Ops Day Summary
Times are approximate

9:27 Mitchel, Hugh working on cabling and leveling the ISI table in HAM 3
Betsy running transfer functions on suspension staged outside HAM 2
Michael R. working in PSL enclosure on alignment of the FSS path
10:23 Eric working on HAM3 HEPI housings
10:42 Eric, bump driving over cable?
Hugh, Eric operating crane near HAM 2,3
Mopping in LVEA
Kyle soft closed GV18
Thomas realign the H2 ETMY optical lever beam to the front surface, done at 11:22
11:31 Travis working on suspension staged outside HAM 2, 3
11:45 John to end station to open GV18

11:21 - 11:24, 1:32 - 1:35 Kyle, large displacements of East crane 11:24 - 1:32 small displacements of East crane (connection of Vertex Main Turbo Pump to H1 output MC tube)
1:07 - 1:31 Filiberto pulling SUS PR2-TOP 25DB cable from HAM3 Field Rack to mockfeedthru (MC2/PR2 assembly area)
1:07 - 1:20 Travis working on suspension staged outside HAM 2,3
2:34 - 2:46 Maggie, Daniel at end Y VEA

Jim B. Installation of 8-port switch at H1 PSL enclosure
Vincent Addition of DAQ channels in the HEPI template model
Dave Add new PEM channels to all three H2 PEM systems (LVEA, EY, EY AUX)