Reports until 15:00, Thursday 19 July 2012
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3508)
ETMY and ITYM - L1 damping is ON

I measured the LONG and PIT OLTFs and put in some simple damping loops for in both in ITMY and ETMY.  The L "plant" had very low gain compared with P, probably because of the factor of ~10 radio of the Euler matrices.  To avoid a very high gain in the filter bank, I put a gain of 10 in the L2L SensAlign and another 10 in L2L.  This gave a gain of -5 for L, with penty of gain margin.  I set the P gain to -3, again with lots of gain margin (the plot was made with a gain of -5.)

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