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Reports until 11:12, Friday 20 July 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:12, Friday 20 July 2012 (3520)
HAM3 Cabling (cont.)

(corey, mitch)   [this is work for Thursday]

Yesterday, we continued with installation/dressing of cables for SEI/ISC/SUS.  Mitch completed installation of the non-SEI cables.  I pinned out some Actuator cables for installation (installed one of them on H1 & still need to install the H2).  I installed the GS13 Grounding Cable Bracket for Corner2. 

As for Corner3....ah, Corner3. 

Ideally, it would have been preferred to have installed the Cable Bracket and dressed the SEI cables before insertion of the HAM-ISI in the chamber, but we didn't have the Bracket parts, so we are installing after the fact.  Corner-3 is basically entirely in the center of the Chamber.  Access to it was not a problem in HAM2 (since one could climb into the chamber and work on your belly as you dressed cables & installed the bracket.   But for HAM3, there is the Septum on the north of the chamber, and so this preferred space isn't useful (I tried, but I would need to shrink a factor of 4 to be useful here).

Another option was to lay on the table and then hang of the side--UPSIDE DOWN! (my Picasso-esque yoga pose [where gravitational force points down] is attached, yes that's my head at the bottom...I was resting on my left shoulder.  And could only stay like this for a couple of minutes until it felt like my head was going to explode). 

Since we needed to cleanly dress the GS13 cables from Stage1-to-Stage-0, I unclamped cables on the breadboard here to have a clean slate, and would like to now start dressing cables and then install the GS13 Grounding Cable Bracket (easier said than done).  Will try the upsided down technique, or we will see if Jim can somehow squeeze in from the side.

Note For Future:  

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