Reports until 11:19, Friday 20 July 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:19, Friday 20 July 2012 (3523)
BSC Back In Da House: Stage0 On Granite Table

(corey, greg, jim, mitch) [Work from Thursday]

:::  LHO Sauna, aka Hot Yoga Studio, aka Staging Building :::

Cleanroom Weather:  A balmy 80degF ... (with a 95degF Cleanroom-suit-Factor) ... [& 100degF garbed-Corey-Factor]

Today, we quickly and efficiently moved a BSC Stage-0 Bottom Pate into the Staging Building and placed it on the granite table for prep work.  This marks our return to BSC-ISI assembly work after many month hiatus.

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