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Reports until 13:39, Saturday 21 July 2012
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:39, Saturday 21 July 2012 (3537)
HAM3 Cabling: Corner3

[HAM3 In-chamber work from 11:30am-1:15pm]

After staking out ISI Corner3 Cabling work on Thursday, I went about dressing the Corner 3 GS13 pigtail cable, one of the more important to dress since these are the only ISI cables which come from the suspended Stage1 to Stage0 (we have to be careful there are no seismic shorts).   So between Stage 1 & 0, the cable must be dressed just right--not too tight, and not too loose.  Between Stages, you also have to elimate any sort of rubbing.  Basically you have to have a good eye's view and be very precise with clamping these cables. 

This is hard for Corner3 on HAM2 & HAM3.

So, in to Chamber and on top of the table I went.  To minimize head rushes/passing out, and gettingoverly overheated, I slowly did work in small steps (either upside down, or by keeping head level with torso and reaching down to the breadboard area).  I removed all other ISI cables from the tiny breadboard we had.  I then dressed the H3 & V3 GS13 cables to their own clamp on Stage0.  I did this such that each cable had a nice & clean "S" run between stages.  After that I installed the Grounding Bracket (with Extension cable bolted on) on the breadboard.  And I finally connected the pigtail cable to the Bracket. 

During this work, I managed to drop an allen wrench, and it fell below the ISI and landed directly in the center of the HAM Chamber.  Funnily, it wasn't easy to get to the tool!  I ended up performing endoscopic surgery and used a clean cable to pull out the tool.  Note:  this work yielded a "white glove" test in that afterward, my glove ended up getting fairly filthy after rubbing up against the Chamber floor (see attached dirty glove).

So, the GS13 cables are dressed for Corner3 (see attached photos & video).

As for other cables....

For the H3 CPS & Actuator, I'd say we bypass the tiny breadboard, and pull these cables straight down off of Stage0 & then take them to the Center flange (D2).  For the V3 CPS & Actuator, I'd also try to avoid the center breadboard (because it's just hard to do work in there) and go straight to the flange.

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