Reports until 17:36, Monday 23 July 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:36, Monday 23 July 2012 (3548)
Testing H1- MC3
   We have been working on resolving a post creek bake misalignment problem with the lower blade break off heights on H1-MC3. We have tuned out a lot of the difference, but the break off heights are still slightly out of spec. We are going to take transfer functions of the M1 level to see if MC3 performance is within tolerance despite the misalignment of the lower blade break off heights.  
   These are the open light values for BOSEMs on HSTS MC3. The offsets and gains, listed below' have been entered into MEDM. The BOSEMs have been adjusted to 50% light. Plan is to take a set of TFs tonight when the lab is quiet.    

OSEM    S/N    OLV       Offset     Gain

 T1     571    30360.8   -15180     0.988
 T2     565    28718.9   -14359     1.045
 T3     312    30896.5   -15448     0.971
 LF      74    27143.9   -13572     1.105
 RT     313    30112.7   -15056     0.996
 SD     694C   25573.4   -12787     1.173