Reports until 10:45, Thursday 20 April 2017
sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:45, Thursday 20 April 2017 (35664)
OMC aligment jitter test

Yesterday morning I did a few tests of misaligning the OMC and putting excitations on the alignment loops. (see LLO alogs 32885 and comment and 28979 ).  Depending on which method you use to estimate the normal RMS OMC alignment fluctuations, the OMC jitter noise is at least a factor of 2 below DARM or better.

  offset optical gain decrease coupling increase offset/error signal RMS QPD offset/QPD rms (A/B)
POS Y 0.6 4% x5.8 10 60/56
POS X 0.5 13% x2 (no coherence) 10.4 80/62
ANG Y 1 12% x2.6 (no coherence) 5 na/27


1 22% x4.4(no coherence) 17 na/35

You can see that the behavior of POS Y is different from the other loops, this is the only loop where my offset was large enough to measure coherence between the excitation and DARM, but it was a small change in the optical gain.  My excitations were not large enough to change the RMS seen on the QPDs (second attachment shows excitation sizes). Our OMC alignment loops are very slow, it takes 2-3 minutes for them to respond to a change in offset.

Some notes on what I think is implied in the LLO alogs:

When we are locked on DC readout the ratio of the optical gains for the misaligned/aligned OMC is the square root of what the ratio of transmitted powers would be if DARM were not locked on the DCPDs (thanks Keita): 

My understanding of Koji's method for estimating the rms: (Delta theta is normal alignment fluctuations, dtheta is the excitation, and theta0 is the offset. )

  1. Normal contribution to DARM noise is proportional to DeltaTheta^2 (should be smaller than DARM, gold is upper limit)
  2. Contribution to DARM noise with excitation but no misalignment is proportional to dtheta^2+2dTheta*DeltaTheta (forest green curves in first attachment) (DARM will not be coherent with the excitation in this case)
  3. Contribution to DARM noise with offset but no excitation 2*DeltaTheta*theta0 (should be small, fuchsia curves would be larger than gold reference otherwise)
  4. excitation and offset- (2)+(3)+2theta0*dTheta (mint green curves) (DARM will be coherent with excitation if this term dominates over DeltaTheta*dTheta)

I think that what Koji is doing is taking the ratio of (4)/(2) (coupling increase in the table above) and estimating that that is the ratio of the offset/normal RMS. 


Images attached to this report