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Reports until 17:09, Tuesday 24 July 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:09, Tuesday 24 July 2012 (3572)
H1 HAM3 HEPI Actutors Attached (On going)
Got 6 of the 8 HAM3 HEPI Actuators attached today.  Would have been complete except for the 3 Up Vertical Lock Screws which can bind if they are turned too far out and they aren't well centered in the F-Clamp.  Or if they aren't turned too far out but aren't well centered and then you raise the whole system such as when you are correcting the elevation.  This is what we did yesterday.  This morning when I started the Actuator attachment, I found these set screws had bound on the back side.  After freeing them, the system slewed off to Narnia and I spent the majority of the morning getting the position back.  As I said, getting good at this.  Just the NW corner left.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.