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Reports until 15:36, Wednesday 25 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:36, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3587)
Quick recompile, reinstall, restart, and restore of QUAD models
During the QUAD models updates last week, the
corner of the userapps repository had not been updated, so we didn't receive Joe Betzwieser's PUM stage fix to the
bit of c-code that controls the analog and digital filtering interaction between the coil drivers.

In addition to updating that corner before the recompile, I also added two EPICs monitor blocks between the MTRX and normalization steps in the 
library part. This change has been committed to the trunk.

Finally, I made sure to capture the current status of the QUADs (as the ISC team left while trying to lock the cavity this morning), in

and then turned off the damping loops and master switches, left the latest P and Y offsets the offsets in place, and captured new safe.snap files, which are used here:
but are actually symbolic links to

With these two changes in place, I recompiled, reinstalled, restarted, AND restored.

The new epics variables are now visible on the optical lever screen (see attached), and Szymon is confirming whether the L2 drive is now functional.
Images attached to this report
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