Reports until 16:14, Wednesday 25 July 2012
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3590)
Testing MC3 After Creek Bake
   After creek baking and reassembling H1-MC3, the Lower Blade break off heights did not come back to their pre creek bake values. There was a greater than the 0.5mm vertical tolerance between the four blade tips. We tweaked several suspension adjustments but could not bring the tips into compliance. The best we could get was a maximum of 0.75mm height difference between the blade break offs. All other parameters are well within spec. 

   We ran transfer functions on the M1 level to see if the suspension would perform correctly with the Lower Blade heights a bit off. Jeff K., Andres R., and I looked over the plots and compared H1-MC3 with several other suspensions. H1-MC3 compares favorably with the other HSTS suspensions. It was decided to install the AOSEMs and start Phase 1b testing.