Reports until 19:09, Wednesday 25 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Wednesday 25 July 2012 (3597)
Oplev ASDs (Preliminary Calibration)
J. Kissel, T. Vo

Now that the optical lever signal chains are functional, it's straight forward to include Thomas' calibration into the signal chain and grab a spectra. Attached are the results for ETMY and ITMY. I'm not sure if I believe the amplitude of the results though. Even though Fabrice has been making excellent progress with H2 ISI ITMY, I don't think we're down to the sub- nrad / rtHz at 0.5 Hz. We'll go through the calibration more thoroughly tomorrow, and see where I've screwed up.

Anyways, for posterity, my calibration is as follows (which, although Thomas only has official calibration for ETMY, I used the same calibration for both assuming the signal chains and lever arms are roughly the same):
DOF     ADC Gain         Oplev Calib.   (order of mag.)
Pitch: 40/2^16 [V/ct] * 1666 [urad/V] * 1e-6 [rad/urad] = 1.0168e-6 [rad/ct]
Yaw:   40/2^16 [v/ct] * 1727 [urad/V] * 1e-6 [rad/urad] = 1.0541e-6 [rad/ct]

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