Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 12:05, Thursday 26 July 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3610)
HAM-ISI Unit #6 - Assembly Validation Complete

The Assembly Validation testing of HAM-ISI Unit #6 is complete. HAM-ISI Unit #6 - Assembly Validation report was posted under the DCC, and validated. We can now store this Unit in a container.

HAM-ISI Unit #7 will be the last HAM-ISI built at LHO. Assembly is approching completion. Assembly Validation testing will follow.

Reports regading the Assembly validation of previous units at LHO are available in the DCC:
HAM-ISI Unit #1 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #2 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #3 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #5 - Assembly Validation

Reports regading the Chamber Side testing of other units at LHO are available in the DCC:
HAM2 (HAM-ISI Unit #4) - Chamber Side Testing
HAM3 (HAM-ISI Unit #5) - Chamber Side testing
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.