Reports until 16:56, Thursday 26 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3613)
H2 SUS ITMY Oplev Signals re-ordered
Optical lever QPD's analog signals from each segment/quadrant come into the ADC in numerical order (1, 2, 3, 4) where the segments are defined as

   | 1 | 3 |  ^
   |---+---|  | This way up
   | 4 | 2 |  |

(staring at the face of QPD, as though you were an incident laser beam). The QUAD MASTER model absorbs these signals as channels


However, up until this model change, the top level ITMY model had been re-ordering these signals as

Analog Signal    ADC Channel      SEG#
1                1_0              SEG2
2                1_1              SEG1
3                1_2              SEG4
4                1_3              SEG3

I have now re-ordered them in a sane fashion, as the ETMY had already been ordered:

Analog Signal    ADC Channel      SEG#
1                1_0              SEG1
2                1_1              SEG2
3                1_2              SEG3
4                1_3              SEG4

The updated model,
has been committed to the repo, and I've recompiled, reinstalled, restarted, and restored H2SUSITMY.