Reports until 15:53, Friday 27 July 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 15:57, Friday 27 July 2012(3629)
H1 SUS MC2, PR2, & SR2 Simulink user model modifications
J. Kissel, J. Garcia, D. Barker 

The Simulink user models were modified today to incorporate IPC functionality on 'h1sush34'.  This library part is using Shared Memory on "h1sush34" only, so communication across different I/O chassis is not needed.  The motivation behind the modifications was the fact that the BIO switch cards allow only one user model to send and receive signals to the hardware.  So, the solution was to use the MC2 user model, "h1susmc2", as the communicator to the BIO card hardware.  Signals sent and received to the BIO card must be routed through the MC2 user model.  The control input, however, is controlled in the individual models ("h1suspr2" & "h1sussr2") but sent to MC2 by shared memory to switch the BIO card hardware.  A signal to the BIO card for the PR2 channels can still be entered from a PR2 medm, but in reality the signal is routed through the MC2 user model.  So, in order to control the BIO switched for PR2 or SR2, the "h1susmc2" model must be running for the full functionality.

All three models were recompiled and installed on "h1sush34" along with a reboot of the DAQ.  

Models are checked into the svn locally in:

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 15:57, Friday 27 July 2012 (3630)
An issue arose today after installing the PR2 model in that the drive signal from a DTT session would not begin in the user model channels.  As it turned out to be, the DCUID number used in the PR2 model (#40) was used previously by a PEM model no longer in use.  The DTT issue arose when the par file for the testpoint manager had the DCUID number assigned to the previous PEM model.  This par file has been edited manually to remove the previous DCUID and replaced with the PR2 DCUID.  Excitations could then commence on PR2.