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Reports until 17:03, Friday 27 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 17:12, Friday 27 July 2012(3633)
Raw Oplev Segment Channels added to H2 SUS QUADs
I've added the following channels to the framebuilder:

$(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG1_IN1     2048
$(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG2_IN1     2048
$(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG3_IN1     2048
$(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG4_IN1     2048

which required adding these channels to the 
then recompiling, reinstalling, restarting, and restoring the QUAD test mass models:

Before restarting, I created new safe.snap files, in
in order to capture the new optical lever calibration.

After restarting, I restored to the following snap files:
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 17:12, Friday 27 July 2012 (3637)
While bringing things back up on ITMY, we noticed rather large motions around the BSC8 chamber, as noted in Thomas' LHO aLOG 3634. We were concerned that it had to do with the restart of the model (a la March 2012), but as Thomas shows the large motions had started to occur prior to our model restarts. Bram also reports that the cavity had been behaving poorly for an hour or so prior to this computer work. Finally, because we were scared, we manually triggered the entire chambers IOP watchdogs, so we were confident it was not any excitations from any DAC. We further confirmed this by checking both the SUS coil-driver monitor signals, and noted that the ISI's "rogue excitation" monitor also remained green. 

The large motion dissipated after ~ 5 minutes of just waiting (we would have turned everything back on, with damping loops running -- which is more safe that with everything turned off, if we trust CDS infrastructure to be functional -- but the the GS-13s were saturating, which would not allow ISI watchdogs to be reset). It should be noted that though these motions were large, they were not extreme. The QUAD's top-stage OSEMs were visibly wobbling, but only by a few thousand counts. ISI GS13s were railing, but they're extrememly sensitive, and ISI position sensors on both stages indicated that were not hitting the locker-limiter mechanical range of motion.

Also worthy of note -- the recompile, reinstall, restart, and restore of H2 SUS ETMY went smoothly, without trouble. Because adding the channels to the DAQ list is part of the QUAD_MASTER library part, the change was literally identical in both models.
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