Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
Reports until 20:04, Friday 27 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:04, Friday 27 July 2012 (3640)
An Isolationist Data Miner's Dream...
I've set up the ITMY and ETMY chambers in (what I *think* is) their current best-performance state, such that we can get a nice long quiet stretch of data over the weekend. I say *think* because I never nailed down Fabrice enough to tell me the exact blend configuration of the ISIs that was best for the cavity. Also unfortunately, I didn't catch the ISC team in time to request a lock of the cavity, and I don't know how to do it myself :- (which naturally means there's no ISC control going to either chambers).

ANYWAYS, Here's the setup, as of Jul 28 2012 02:00 UTC (7:15p PT, 1027476016):

    - ITMY 
        - ISO Loops ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ (No HP or VP)
        - No boost
        - 800 mHz Blend on all DOFs
        - (No sensor correction or feed-forward)
    - ETMY
        - ISO Loops ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ, HP, VP
        - No boost
        - 800 mHz Blend on all DOFs
        - (No sensor correction or feed-forward)
     - ITMY
        - Stage 1
             - Damping ON
             - Isolation ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ
                  - In X & Y: 250 mHz blend of L4Cs and CPSs only (no T240s)
                  - In Z RX RY RZ: 750 mHz blend of L4Cs and CPSs only (no T240s)
             - (No ST1-ST2 feed-forward)
        - Stage 2
             - Damping ON
             - Isolation ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ
                  - In X & Y: 100 mHz blend of GS13s and CPSs
                  - In Z RX RY RZ: 750 mHz blend of GS13s and CPSs
     - ETMY
        - Stage 1
             - Damping ON
             - Isolation ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ
                  - In X & Y: 250 mHz blend of L4Cs and CPSs only (no T240s)
                  - In Z RX RY RZ: 750 mHz blend of L4Cs and CPSs only (no T240s)
             - (No ST1-ST2 feed-forward)
        - Stage 2
             - Damping ON
             - Isolation ON; X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ
                  - In X & Y: 100 mHz blend of GS13s and CPSs
                  - In Z RX RY RZ: 750 mHz blend of GS13s and CPSs
     - ITMY
        - M0 (TOP) 
             - Damping ON; [zeros:poles]
                  - L: FM1 [0:15,15], FM3 [0.43Boost2], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -20.0
                  - T: FM1 [0:50,50], FM3 [0.43Boost2], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -20.0
                  - V: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -6.0
                  - R: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.3
                  - P: FM1 [0:25,25], FM2 [0.54Boost],FM3 [1.13Boost], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.1
                  - Y: FM1 [0:20,20], FM2 [0.6Boost], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -1.0
        - L1 (UIM)
             - Damping ON:
                  - L: FM1 [0:50,50], FM9 [Ellip20], G = -5.0
                  - P: FM1 [0:50,50], FM2 [0.6boost], FM9 [Ellip20], G = -3.0
                  - Y: (OFF) 
     - ETMY
        - M0 (TOP) 
             - Damping ON; [zeros:poles]
                  - L: FM1 [0:15,15], FM3 [0.43Boost2], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -20.0
                  - T: FM1 [0:50,50], FM3 [0.43Boost2], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -20.0
                  - V: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -6.0
                  - R: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.3
                  - P: FM1 [0:25,25], FM2 [0.54Boost],FM3 [1.13Boost], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.1
                  - Y: FM1 [0:20,20], FM2 [0.6Boost], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -1.0
        - L1 (UIM)
             - Damping ON:
                  - L: FM1 [0:50,50], FM9 [Ellip20], G = -5.0
                  - P: FM1 [0:50,50], FM2 [0.6boost], FM9 [Ellip20], G = -3.0
                  - Y: (OFF) 
     - M1 (TOP)
             - Damping ON:
                  - L: FM1 [0:15,15], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -5.0
                  - T: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -10.0
                  - V: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -2.0
                  - R: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.3
                  - P: FM1 [0:25,25], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -0.05
                  - Y: FM1 [0:20,20], FM10 [Ellip50], G = -1.0  
     - M1 (TOP)
             - Damping ON
                  - L: FM1 [damp30], FM2 [boost450m], FM10 [ELF10], G = -20.0
                  - T: FM1 [damp30], FM2 [boost450m], FM10 [ELF15], G = -7.0
                  - V: FM1 [damp30], FM10 [ELF10], G = -10.0
                  - R: FM1 [damp30], FM10 [ELF10], G = -20.0
                  - P: FM1 [damp30], FM10 [ELF10], G = -10.0
                  - Y: FM2 [dampYaw], FM10 [ELF10], G = -10.0

AND, the Optical lever beams are on the QPDs for both test masses. 

I've made copies of each of the above mentioned systems Foton Filter files, and stuck them in the userapps repository under,


and committed to revision 2718.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.