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Reports until 14:36, Sunday 29 July 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:36, Sunday 29 July 2012 (3645)
H2 DAQ restart, 1064nm Reference Cavity Transmit signal now being trended

Patrick changed the Beckhoff channel name for the ref cav trans to H2:PSL-FSS_TPD_DC_OUTPUT and restarted the Beckhoff EPICS IOC on h2ecatey. I then added this channel to the H2EDCU_ECATEY.ini slow chans file and restarted the H2 DAQ Friday afternoon.  This channel can now be trended from H2 DAQ.

This DAQ restart also picked up new fast INI files for H2SUSETMY, H2SUSITMY, H2ISCEY following work by Jeff K and Bram.

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