Reports until 15:16, Monday 30 July 2012
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Monday 30 July 2012 (3654)
ALS laser locking
Common mode board A at H2 EY (S/N S1102638)
(Jax S., Daniel S.)

We changed the common generic filter to a double pole 100kHz/Q=0.85. This is to replace the Pomona box that was used to suppress the PZT resonance around 250kHz-300kHz. 

R129 -> 2.67K
R130 -> 1.30K
R131 -> 0
R132 -> 0
C207 -> 1.5n
C206 -> 470p

This allowed us to push the ugf to just above 30kHz with a phase margin of 45 degrees. We backed off with the gain set to -6dB in the input section which leaves us with a ugf around 28kHz and a phase margin of close to 50 degrees.

Common mode board B at H2 EY (S/N S1102637)

We also changed the fast monitor into the Beckhoff on the cavity locking servo to be unity gain rather than 10.

R271 -> 0
R272 -> NL