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Reports until 22:34, Monday 30 July 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:34, Monday 30 July 2012 (3660)
Arm Locking

From 17:30h to 18:36h (local time) the Cavity has been locking nice and steady, until it suddenly nose dived. Not sure why, the green power monitor increased maybe making the locking loop unstable (to much gain? haven't measured the UGF after the SHG temp mods).

I was trying to measure the TF from HEPI to the cavity error signal and the CPS. After about 30min I realised that there is no signal comming from the RFM into HEPI! HEPI looks at the same RFM locaiton as the ETM (H2:ISCEY-SUSETMY_LONG). I check in both models (h2susetmy and h2 hpietmy) which seem to be ok. I think Dave did some cleaning up on the weekend, will ask him tomorrow.

Attached plot shows a reference from last week, and a spectrum during the hour lock.

The 'ISI Low Blend (ITM+ETM)' is with a cross over frequency of 250 mHz on both stages (ITM/ETM). Currently the ISI runs with blend frequencies at 750 mHz for both stages, except in X and  Y (cavity axis) as indicated in the legend. The peaking at the 2.75 Hz is less, although an increase at the higer frequencies.

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