Reports until 18:35, Tuesday 31 July 2012
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Tuesday 31 July 2012 - last comment - 19:42, Tuesday 31 July 2012(3676)
Ham 3 SEI Binary IO problems
What a fun afternoon was had by Filiberto, Hugo and I.  Lot's of little problems confounding troubleshooting of main problem.  To start with the Binary I/O on Ham3 Gain and Filter stages did not appear to be functioning.  The MEDM button was pressed with no effect on the hardware.  Started trouble shooting and the problem was confounded by cables with missing pins. Pin 5 missing of some of the 9 pin cables that were substituted into the system because not all the cables for the Ham arrived. This lead us down the wrong path for a while.  When this was finally discovered we then had problems because the model uses the first binary I/O board and the DWGs called out the second.  That or my understanding of the backplane is wrong.  Of course in the earlier rounds of troubleshooting we used every combination of cable from the BIO boards thinking this was the problem but with the ground pin missing we could not tell. So we also swapped the two BIO cards in the chassis just for fun.  In the end we have installed 6 9 pin straight thru cables and everything seems to be working.  Rather frustrated it took so long.
Comments related to this report - 19:42, Tuesday 31 July 2012 (3677)


Richard said it all... 


Even though it took us time, we made big progress by getting the BIO-related issues sorted out: 

  • The filters on the GS13 interface chassis, that are turned ON/OFF with the BIO, can now be engaged. I was hoping that having these filters ON would correct the discrepancies seen on TF-GS13, when comparing with LLO. It did*.
  • We can now have the coildrivers chassis bio in OK state without having to bypass it with a binary word manually inserted as input.
  • We removed faulty cables from the criculation.
  • We know exactly which slot of the PCIe expansion board of the I/O chassis is used for HAM3 BIO communication. This will make plugging HAM2 easier.


*I just ran a quick set of Transfer Functions between 0.5 and 5Hz. Now the transfer functions measured with the GS13s also match with HAM3-LLO, in that range.


Transfer functions (more averages,  0.01Hz-1000Hz) are running overnight. Measurement will be over at 7am.