Reports until 21:55, Tuesday 31 July 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:55, Tuesday 31 July 2012 - last comment - 10:22, Wednesday 01 August 2012(3678)
Arm Locking with HEPI offload

Alberto, Bram

The arm has been locked since 20:00 local time.

Due to the RFM not working iwrote a littel Perl script which reads the  H2:ISC-ALS_EY_ETM_LONG_OUTPUT and writes it in H2:HPI-ETMY_ISCPF_LONG_OFFSET to get the communication between the ISC modle and the ETMY HEPI model going. It runs in a terminal window.

We ran a sine response function at 10 mHz, which pushed ETMY HEPI at _ISO_Y_EXC and recorded the _BLEND_IPS_Y_IN1 and in the ISC model the _ETM_LONG_OUT. The ETM_LONG_OUT ratio was 0.44 at -180 degrees. We wanted the UGF at 1 mHz, so we set it to +0.2 (~6dB less). The filter is an intergrator (pole at 0) in _EY_ARM_LONG FM1 and there is a cutoff with two complex poles at 100 mHz in EY_ETM_LONG in FM1. There is a 1x1 matrix between the ARM_LONG and ETM_LONG. In the EY_ARM_LONG the limiter is engaged at 200k.

We locked tha cavity and enganged the offloading to HEPI .... it ramped quite nicely as seen in the first striptool plot. In between I changed the gain down to 0.15 as I thought I saw the beat frequency breathing with a period of ~5min (~3 mHz), but returned it to 0.2 after ~30 min.

In the attached spectrum the peak at 2.75 Hz is down quite a bit, but then there is an increase in noise at the higher frequencies. At other moment, the 2.75 Hz peak is as previous but the higerh frequencies are much lower.

Due to the power fluctuations, I adjusted the _REFL_PWR_MON offset to keep th eoutput below 9000 (although it did shoot above that, but the cavity was still locked!).

We will leave the cavity locked over night ..

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 00:19, Wednesday 01 August 2012 (3679)

At around 12 midnight the _EY_ARM_LONG output was limited to 200k, after checking around I increased this to 1000k. The output maxed out to just under 500k after it went down again. The units are nm, and there is a gain of 0.2 down stream. This makes the maximum input to HEPI 200 micrometer, well below its +/-1 mm range. It seems to run nicely again ...

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 00:32, Wednesday 01 August 2012 (3680)

Not sure what happened, but ETMY HEPI tripped, nothing out of the ordinary (no large displacements), I restored it. It didn't seem that the cavity dropped lock??

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 10:22, Wednesday 01 August 2012 (3682)

We just dropped lock, followed by tripping of ITM ISI and HPI . Vincent engaged some pringle filters in HEPI and Fileberto walked over the bridge (he called to let us know).