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Reports until 09:30, Wednesday 01 August 2012
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:30, Wednesday 01 August 2012 (3681)
ALS fiber output realigned, beat note amplitude optimized

[Elli, Bram, Alberto]

Yesterday we intentially unlocked the ALS PLL to do some work with the reference cavity in the optics lab. Later on, when we locked it again, the beat note ampltide was much smaller than before. At the common mode board monitor output it was -60 dBm vs ~-30 dBm that we had before. (The board monitor output is about 20 dB smaller than the actual RF beat amplitude).

We managed to bring it back to -25 dBm by realigning the fiber output. We also lightly reduced the power of the local oscillator's beam to suppress higher harmonics in the signal.

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