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Reports until 08:24, Thursday 02 August 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:24, Thursday 02 August 2012 (3699)
H1 SUS MC2 Phase 2b Results
B. Bland, J. Kissel

[[ These results are extremely belated, but I want to post them for posterity. ]]

After making adjustments to the static Roll of the optic, we've remeasured (as much as we remembered to of) H1 SUS MC2. Attached are the results.

Several things that these results indicate:

- The alleviation of the DC/static roll in the optic appears to have restored normalcy on the lowest L and T mode, i.e. they're no longer split in frequency. Huh!
- Now all degrees of freedom match well with the model, and other degrees of freedom.
- Spectra compared against in-chamber LLO suspensions indicate that excess noise seen at high-frequency is indeed most likely due to the noisy external environment on the optical tables. However, you'll notice that the noise has significantly reduced from when the SUS was in LHO staging building, so this confirms that the LHO assembly area is simply the noisiest environment where testing takes place, and it's not a problem fundamental to the suspension itself.

As of these results, H1 SUS MC2 has passed Phase 2b testing and is ready for install into HAM3.
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