Reports until 18:16, Sunday 05 August 2012
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Sunday 05 August 2012 - last comment - 18:29, Sunday 05 August 2012(3724)
Arm relocked after SUS, ISI, HPI trip

With phone help from Bram, I reset  SUS, ISI and HPI,  which had tripped in the middle of the night, and relocked the arm. Low power though.

Comments related to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 18:29, Sunday 05 August 2012 (3725)

That is on BSC6.

I treid to use the new tdsdither scripts to improve the alignment, but it can't connect to h2nds0. Got the error 

controls@opsws4:scripts 0$ ./tdsdither 2.3 50 5 0 300 H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_TEST_Y_EXC H2:ISC-ALS_EY_REFL_PWR_MON_OUT H2:SUS-ETMY_M0_OFFSET_Y 10 5

		== tdsdither output format ==
(coherence magnitude phase signal time) Step dx to x

ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
Warning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0
^XWarning: tdsDemod is having trouble.  Retrying...ERROR: LDAQ - Unable to connect to NDS h2nds0

I tried to do
			controls@opsws4:scripts 0$ NDSSERVER=h2nds1:8088
to force to look at nds1 without luck. Seems there is some hardcoded server address.
also ezcaswtich doesn't seem to work either.
Unfortunately will leave the cavity with a less than optimal alignment.