Reports until 08:21, Monday 06 August 2012
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:21, Monday 06 August 2012 (3728)
Title /sections /tasks in comments do not show up in resulting aLOG
When writing a comment to an aLOG, the user has the option to change the title (as opposed to the default "Comment to [insert original subject here]"), or change the Section / Task. However, after submitting the entry, these additions / edits are not reflected on the resulting comment. Interestingly enough, the information is stored, however, because when one clicks to edit the comment, the changes and new title are still there.

See, for example, LHO aLOG 3727, LHO aLOG 3550, or LLO aLOG 4156.