Reports until 08:55, Monday 06 August 2012
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:55, Monday 06 August 2012 (3731)
Hitting "Upload File" without a file chosen shows white screen
If a user is in the middle of uploading files (or even just getting started), and he forgets to select a file for uploading and subsequently hits "UPLOAD FILE" with nothing selected, it takes the user to a blank white screen. Thankfully, nothing is lost, and one can just hit his browser's back button, but the log should throw a warning / error when this situation arises. A pop-up that gray's out the log, saying "You've not selected anything to attach, please browse for a file" with an "OK" acknowledge button would suffice. Or if that's too sophisticated for the infrastructure of the log, this user error should at least take you to another page with the same warning, and a link back to the upload page and/or the add report page.