Reports until 13:05, Monday 06 August 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:05, Monday 06 August 2012 (3738)
h2tcsl0 install TCS ITMY model, H2 DAQ restart

I replaced the H2GDSAWGL0 model with H2TCSITMY on h2tcsl0 following the install of a second ADC card in this front end. The front end now has 2 ADC and 1 DAC cards. PEM uses the first ADC, TCS uses the second ADC and the DAC card.

The H2 DAQ was restarted with the new configuration.

The h2tcsl0 restart invalidated all the front end data. After the DAQ restart I had to restart the data streamers on each model, so the H2 data gap was longer than anticipated at about 10 minutes.