Reports until 20:57, Monday 06 August 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:57, Monday 06 August 2012 (3743)
OAT WFS demod phase

Elli and Bram

We went to the EY and injected a sine wave at 2280 Hz, 200 mVpp into the CMB-B (PDH), Exc A input. Then we used ddt to measure the tranfer coefficients of the SegX_Ix/SegX_Qx. We optimised the demodulation phase and maximised the transfer coeeficient. Although we could not zero the Q-phase, we got a factor of ~30x between the I and Q phase for all segments in both WFS-A and WFS-B.

in between the measurements we aligned the beams onto the WFS but adjusting the picomotor mounts. We actually did this manual and did NOT use the picomotor driver, which would be nice in the future ...

Now we can use the WFS for alignment feedback to the Quads, well at least measure the TFs.