Reports until 16:34, Wednesday 08 August 2012
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3759)
h2iscey channel renaming complete

We have completed the rename of all of the H2 ISC channels to conform to the new standard:

H2:ISC-ALS_  -->  H2:ALS-
H2:ISC-ASC_  -->  H2:ASC-

While we were at it we renamed the _EY_ to be just _Y_.

This involved a couple of steps:

Modify h2iscey model

This was basically just a matter of putting the ALS and ASC library part blocks in top level sub blocks that use top_names, and then giving them the appropriate names ("Y") to ggenerate the correct channels.  The recompiled model then generated the correct names.

We did run into one issue which might be a bug in the RCG.  The auto-generated ADC screens (e.g. H2ISCEY_MONITOR_ADC0.adl) are not being generated with the correct channels. For instance, "ASC_Y_TR_A_SEG1 (adc_0_0)" is pointing to "H2:C-ASC_Y_TR_A_SEG1_INMON". The channel should be "H2:ASC-Y_TR_A_SEG1_INMON". I have no idea what is trying to do there, but we need to file a bug against the RCG

Update MEDM screens

We modified the following adl files:


Mostly it was simple sed string replacements:

sed -i -e 's/:ISC-ALS_EY_/:ALS-Y_/' -e 's/:ISC-ASC_EY_/:ASC-Y_/' OAT.adl

There was a little bit of itteration, since we had to fix macro, screen links, channels, etc., but it wasn't bad.

Update filter files

This was also pretty simple:

sed -i -e 's/ALS_EY_/ALS_Y_/' -e 's/ASC_EY_/ASC_Y_/' H2ISCEY.txt

Restore EPICS values

We restored all the EPICS values by taking a burt snapshot file from this morning, and again performing a simple sed replace on the channel names:

sed -i -e 's/H2:ISC-ALS_EY/H2:ALS-Y/' -e 's/H2:ISC-ASC_EY/H2:ASC-Y/' h2isceyepics.snap

The updated snapshot file then burt restored all the new channels to their corresponding values before the change.

All in all, things went pretty smoothly and quickly.  I'll let the on-site guys comment on recovery of the lock after the changes.