Reports until 09:12, Thursday 09 August 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:12, Thursday 09 August 2012 (3773)
New Calibration installed into Optical lever path
J. Kissel, T. Vo

Now that we've [cleaned up/corrected] our analysis of the optical lever calibration (see LHO aLOG 3758), I've installed the new numbers into the appropriate gain field in the optical lever path, H2:SUS-${OPTIC}_L3_OPLEV_${DOF}_GAIN.

The optical levers need centering before new spectra of the calibrated channels can be taken, though.

BUT, the calibration factor has been reduced by 
DOF        Before / After
ITMY P         22.359
ITMY Y         22.382
ETMY P         30.556
ETMY Y         30.544
because we fixed the controller counts to translation stage calibration (from 0.6 [mm/ct] to 6 [um/ct]), used more accurate lever arms (2*L, from 70 [m] and 6 [m] to 56.4 [m] and 6.6 [m]), and threw out some outlier data to get a better linear fit.

Reducing the expected RMS spot motion (on the ETMY, in Pitch, see LHO aLOG 3727 for full explanation of calculation) to 

| dx | = | dTheta_E * L * g / (1 - g^2) + dTheta_I * L / (1 - g^2) |
       = (50e-6/30.556) [rad] * 4e3 [m] * -0.8 [] / (1 - (-0.8 [])^2 ) + (5e-6/22.359) [rad] * 4e3 [m] / (1 - (-0.8 [])^2)
       = 0.012 [m]

or 1.2 [cm], which albeit still large from a performance stand point, is much more believable given what is visible on a camera.