Reports until 20:39, Thursday 09 August 2012
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:39, Thursday 09 August 2012 (3793)
OAT locked for the night.

The Arm is locked, as off 03:24:00 UTC (20:24h local time).

The various controls are in the state listed below.

Channel of interest is 'H2:ALS-Y_ARM_LONG_IN1_DQ' and has units of nm (and is sampled at 16k).

HPI State:

All running fine. The cavity feedback (off load) at low frequencies to HPI ETMY, with a UGF of ~1 mHz. ETMY_ISCINF_LONG has a a 250k nm limit on the output (I got an effective limit of 200k nm on the output of the signal ISC sends into the RFM).

ISI State:

Stage 1, (ITM/ETM) X/Y 250mHz blend other at 750mHz blend

Stage 2: (ITM/ETM) XY 100mHz other 750mHz blend.

Quad Sate:

ETM: M0 damping on, L1 L/P damping only, L2 no damping (watch dog off), L3 no damping

ITM: M0 damping on, L1 L/P damping only, L2 no damping (watch dog off), L3 no damping (watch dog off)


Attached is an initial spectrum .... the frequency noise has dropped nicely! (due to 3791)

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