Reports until 06:31, Friday 10 August 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:31, Friday 10 August 2012 - last comment - 08:29, Friday 10 August 2012(3795)
Restored ITMY Oplev Calibration on ITMY
Checking to see if anyone had centered the optical levers in hopes to grab a spectra of the Commissioning Team's awesome new spectra, I found that 
- ETMY was still not centered, but with the corrected calibration
- ITMY was centered, but had the old calibration
(queue sad trombone).

I've restored the ITMY calibration that I installed yesterday morning.

I see that H2SUSITMY and H2SUSETMY were rebooted some time later in the day yesterday, according to the ops log, but I don't see any further details/aLOGs as to why...
My guess is that safe.snap had not been updated since those calibrations were installed (though the right calibration stuck for ETMY...). 

I haven't gathered a new safe.snap myself, I'll will wait for local staff, as I'm not sure about the state of the cavity. But, when you do, remember there's a nifty script here:
which can use to make a new safe.snap in the appropriate reboot location, and it also makes a copy in the appropriate userapps directory (with the model name appended), e.g. 

0$ cd /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/common/scripts/
0$ ./makeSafeBackup sus h2susitmy

which puts files in

Comments related to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 07:58, Friday 10 August 2012 (3796)

ha, that makes sense as the ETM oplev did give me any indicaiton I was yawing the test mass. In the early hour of the cavity locking I was trying to compensate for the pointing error casued by the heated ETM. Aiden mention that is was more in yaw (~25 urad), but the oplev wasn't able to show me my moves.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:29, Friday 10 August 2012 (3797)
Now there are SUM indicators next to the QPD quadrant definitions, under the OPLEVINF button, in the lower left corner, on the SUS_CUST_L3_OPLEV.adl screens (which are linked off pf the QUAD OVERVIEW Screens). I attach screen shots of ETMY (Spot OFF the QPD) and ITMY (Spot ON the QPD). That bar is actually a live reading of the SUM channel, ${IFO}:SUS-${OPTIC}_L3_OPLEV_SUM_OUTMON, with limits from 0 to 10000 cts. (As shown, ITMY is aligned and has ~18k counts worth of light -- so a full green bar, and ETMY is not aligned, and has ~6 cts -- so no green bar).

These is a good indication of whether you have light on the QPD or not.
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