Reports until 09:52, Friday 10 August 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:52, Friday 10 August 2012 (3802)
Both h2nds0 and h2nds1 malfunctioned
The daqd process on h2nds0 died, the log file shows 
Ask for retransmission of 6 packets; port 7097 (repeated 50 times)
Have to skip 6 packets (retry limit exceeded)

Didn't automatically restart because /var/run/ didn't get erased.
I manually restarted the process.

The computer h2nds1 was completely unresponsive.  No error message appeared on the console.  Restarted computer.

With both nds servers down, it was impossible to get channel data for any software that needed it.

Suggest more reliable method of determining if daqd is actually running, along with some bug fixing.