Reports until 15:11, Sunday 06 August 2017
H1 SEI (DetChar, ISC)
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Sunday 06 August 2017 (38031)
~3 Hrs IFO Time for Commissioning; More BSC ISIS ST2 Drives on Test Mass SUS
J. Kissel

I spent 2.5 hours of IFO time today (or 3 hours even if you consider the lock-loss likely caused by me, and recovery from a part of it) gathering some more data on the recently found coupling between BSC-ISI's ST2 and DELTAL_EXTERNAL (see LHO aLOG 37752). 

Today, I drove in RX/RY (Pitch for each arm) and RZ (Yaw / Longitudinal for all) instead of X / Y (Longitudinal for each arm).

The templates for the drive live here:
However, they don't yet contain references for all times where I've driven. That'll come as I gather data from the frames. I'll recommit once I'm finished gathering all the data and plotting it.

Plots and Analysis to come.