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Reports until 16:38, Friday 10 August 2012
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Friday 10 August 2012 - last comment - 17:49, Friday 10 August 2012(3813)
PR2-04 suffers broken magnet in suspension, chamber-side

After finishing assessing and adjusting the roll and pitch of the suspensed PR2 optic, we started adjusting the 14 OSEM positions.  During the coarse of this, we broke a magnet off of the PR2 optic.  Mark Barton and Travis are looking into regluing it onto the optic within the suspension, in an effort to retain some sort of schedule for next week while our team is stretched over to LLO.  Lesson learned is that the EQ stops need to be set very close while adjustments are being made.  I thought this was the case when we were working on it, but clearly not close enough.  It's unfortunate that the top BOSEM adjustment tools and your hand are very close to the suspension wire making knocking the suspended masses around easy.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 17:49, Friday 10 August 2012 (3816)
Mark Barton and Travis Sadecki

We did a repair as follows:

1. We set up a jig using parts from the AOSEM tester, including two translation stages, some posts, and a holder intended for a 10x10 magnet (see attached photo).

2. We cleaned up the magnet-standoff assembly and adhered it magnetically to the steel disk of the magnet holder.

3. We aligned the new standoff with the glue ring on the optic from the original standoff using the translation stages.

4. We backed off the standoff and removed the glue ring with a razor blade and an acetone swab.

5. We applied glue to the standoff and brought it in to touch the optic. 

The glue will be left to set over the weekend and then the magnet holder should be able to be backed away - the magnetic attraction is not very strong.

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