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Reports until 12:45, Thursday 02 April 2015
H1 SUS (DetChar, ISC, SUS)
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:45, Thursday 02 April 2015 - last comment - 05:08, Friday 11 August 2017(17610)
Violin Mode Frequencies (complete study)

Nutsinee, Dan, Jeff K, Angus

This is a follow up on the alog17529. Below you'll find the list of violin mode frequencies we found and averaged frequencies including possible alternatives. The fiber is determined using data gathered in alog16614 (which cites alog11184, alog9359, alog11044, and alog6858). The air frequency included in the last column. 

The way alternatives work is that, if you choose to use one, you have to use the next alternative as well. For instant, if you decide for 508.00075 line to be averaged violin mode for the ETMY FR, you have to use 508.176 as the ETMY FL line. Or if you were to pick 508.21725 as the ETMY FL, you have to use 508.213 as the ETMY BL. This seems a little bit confusing so I attached the original Excel file as well. 

Any comments, questions, and suggestions welcome.

Ps. I don't know why alog keeps making new entries everytime I add things to the table and update the file. Sorry for the spam!

Frequency Average Alternative 1 Alternative 2 DARM split  Alternative DARM split 1 Alternative DARM split 2 Test mass Fiber In-air Freq
500.054 500.133     0.08     ITMX BR 501.3
501.092 501.150 501.173   0.06 0.08   ITMX FR 502.8
501.254 501.352 501.329   0.10 0.12   ITMX BL 501.5
502.621 502.683     0.06     ITMX FL 504.2
503.007 503.063     0.06     ITMY FR 500.8
504.803 504.837     0.03     ITMY FL 502.2
501.606 501.678 501.644   0.07 0.04   ITMY BR 499.9
501.682 501.747 501.780   0.06 0.03   ITMY BL 501.2
507.992 508.069 508.001   0.08 0.01   ETMY FR 507.6
508.010 508.108 508.176 508.217 0.10 0.03 0.07 ETMY FL 507.9
508.220 508.254   508.213 0.03   0.01 ETMY BL 508.0
508.585 508.623     0.04     ETMY BR 508.1
505.587 505.647     0.06     ETMX BL or FR 505.0
505.710 505.758     0.05     ETMX BL or FR 505.0
506.922 507.041 507.058   0.12 0.14   ETMX BR or FL 506.5
507.194 507.293 507.275   0.10 0.12   ETMX BR or FL 506.5
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Comments related to this report
nutsinee.kijbunchoo@LIGO.ORG - 14:50, Thursday 02 April 2015 (17643)DetChar, ISC, SUS

A similar study has been done by Keith Riles at LLO here.

borja.sorazu@LIGO.ORG - 05:08, Friday 11 August 2017 (38135)

I have been looking back at the identification of violin modes done in the past and as it seems this table is one of the latest I would like to highlight the error on the last column notice the in-air measurements are mixed between ITMX and ITMY as per: https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=16614 and https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=11062.

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