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Reports until 17:49, Friday 10 August 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:49, Friday 10 August 2012 (3818)
inelegant fix to EPICS slow down when backing up h1boot and h2boot

The backup of h1boot and h2boot still slows the EPICS associated with the front end systems. Even though I only backup at 5am daily, the slow down is still evident at that time. Until the root cause of this problem can be resolved, Jim and I came up with a totally inelegant solution of slowing down the data rate of the network switch ports which connect h1boot and h2boot to the backup machine. These ports were demoted from 1GB to 100MB. We tested both h1boot and h2boot backups. They take about an hour each (compared with 20mins previously). The disk I/O rate keeps below 5MB per 5 second average. The EPICS problems were previously observed to occur when the disk I/O exceeds 8MB per 5 second average.

A large percentage of the backups concern the awgtpman log files which can be many 100MB each. We will work next Tues on installing new awgtpman code to reduce the logging content of these files.

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